
4 Indicates for Healthy Teenagers

4 Indicates for Healthy Teenagers. Generally, a person's fitness is determined by daily nutritional intake, adequacy ofbreaks, as well as the number of physical activity that is performed. It is also true forteens ages 13-18 years old. In order to determine the  Healthy Teenagers or not, there areindicators that must be heeded.

4 Indicates for Healthy Teenagers

Dr. Indrarti was Killed of SpKO Specialist Health sports (PDSKO), fit or whethersomeone, especially a teenager can be measured from several indicators. First, the ability of the heart, lungs and blood vessels to supply oxygen to the whole body or also called cardiovascular fitness.
"Both suppleness. For people if not pliable in sudden activity will suffer injury becausethe join stiffness. so driven, there is pain in the joints, "said Dr. Titi, so he greetedfamiliar, found after the event Activity Day ' physical activity in school Programs Fresh 'in Indonesia 228 11, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, such as written Saturday (4/10/2014).
The third and fourth indicator i.e. strength (strength) and the composition of the bodywhich is composed of fat and non-fat. Ideally, the composition of the non-fat less. Well, to make sure youth do physical activity, Coca Cola and PDSKO hold Indonesia programhealthy and fit (Indonesia Fit).
Dr. Titi as the Chairman of the public education Program the education Indonesia Freshsay was done in ten JUNIOR HIGH and high school in Jakarta aims to approach thestudents or educators in order for them to engage in physical activity. Students can also undergo fitness tests.
Students can test the kelenturannya using the sit and reach. How, they sat down and then the hands reach the distance in front as far as possible. The athletes, the rangecan reach 11-19 cm. But, distance above the zero cm (distance zero cm from toe)according to Dr. Titi is already good enough. Then, do an examination using the toolfor measuring fat content, muscle weight, as well as water levels in the body.
In addition, there is also a test run to measure the heart's ability to deliver oxygen andthe body's capacity to use oxygen. As well as measuring the muscle strength of students where students doing how many push ups for 30 seconds and how longstudents can hold the body with the position of the lifting body and rests on legs and arms (such as push up).
"The current Indonesia Society tend to be less motion. Then we would like to invite the community to more active moves through several activities, namely exercise inmedicine, mensertifikasi in Indonesia doctors to prescribe exercise, giving public education to cultivate back physical activity in schools as well as public engagement to build awareness of society in General to use public facilities for physical activity, "FrankWuryandari Ratri as Sustainability Manager Coca Cola.